Stainless Steel Strapping Seals & Buckles
Our strapping seals and buckles are all made from 304 SS and available in 1/2", 5/8” and 3/4". Wing seals are designed for use with 0.020” strapping. They are easily closed with a hammer on any surface and in any position, making them the fastening choice for unusual contours or shapes. Stainless steel buckles can accommodate a single or double wrap of band. They are excellent for use where a heavy duty application is required.
1/2" Buckles Stainless Steel
SKU: STRAP:BK12-SS$0.60 -
1/2" Wing Seals Stainless Steel
SKU: STRAP:WS12-SS$0.65 -
3/4" Buckles Stainless Steel
SKU: STRAP:BK34-SS$0.80 -
3/4" Wing Seals Stainless Steel
5/8" Buckles Stainless Steel
SKU: STRAP:BK58-SS$0.70 -
5/8" Wing Seals Stainless Steel